You Are Loved

Who is Doxa?

Doxa is the New Testament word for glory, and as a church our ultimate calling is to bring glory to God. God’s glory is everything that is true about His character, and God’s glory moves us to be worshipers driven for the mission of Jesus Christ. As Doxa Church, we show His glory by living out the truth of who He is.

Our Mission

To glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:19-20)
Our obedience to this mission is the foundation for every ministry of our church. From the Sunday worship services, to kids ministry, to life groups and podcasts, our chief aim is to first and foremost bring glory to God by multiplying authentic worshipers of Jesus Christ.  

Latest Sermon

The book of Daniel contains familiar Bible stories and perplexing apocalyptic visions, yet both are held together by the doctrinal anchors of God’s sovereignty over the affairs of history and His promise to judge the world. History is unfolding according to God’s plan, and every one of us will stand before our Creator. These realities had bearing on how Daniel and his friends lived amid a pagan Babylonian culture, and they have bearing on how we live today.